Saitama Triennale 2023 opens with a live concert by Terry Riley, who has become known as the “father of minimal music.”

The “minimal music” that Riley proposed had a significant impact on the history of music at large, while also influencing numerous Japanese artists including the likes of Yokoo Tadanori and Hisaishi Joe.

With unabated creative urge even today, Riley continues to break new ground as a true pioneer. His performance at the festival, an entirely improvised set with no prearranged elements, will be a rare opportunity to experience the art of Terry Riley in its most current state.

Advance reservation is required for this event.

Make your advance reservation here.

- All seats reserved

- Performance duration: ca. 90 min.

- Doors open 60 min. before the start of the performance  

- To attend this event, you will be asked to present a ticket for this performance that is issued after your advance reservation, 

in addition to your ticket for the main venue (1-Day Ticket or Festival Pass).

- This performance will be staged inside an exhibition space. Please be aware that there will be other visitors walking around at the exhibition.