“Ginkenshibu” refers to a traditional performing art that combines gin’ei, a form of singing soulful poems, and kenbu (“sword dance”) or shibu (“poetry dance”) that is performed to the gin’ei presentation. Multiple groups that are mainly active in Saitama City, get together to showcase the fruits of their daily practice, and carry the ginkenshibu tradition into the future with their chanted descriptions of feelings and everyday sceneries.


For more than 50 years, the Federation has been dedicated to the conservation of the Japanese traditional performing art known as “ginkenshibudo.” While placing importance on communication with local groups, the members are engaging with increasing vigor in the promotion of ginkenshibu, highlighting in their performances the “joy of recitation and dance.”

Advance reservation is not required for this event. Please come directly to the venue on the day of the event.

- All seats non-reserved

- Doors open 30 min. before the start of the program

- To attend this event, you will be asked to present your ticket for the main venue (1-Day Ticket or Festival Pass).

- This performance will be staged inside an exhibition space. Please be aware that there will be other visitors walking around at the exhibition.